
The Infear API uses access tokens to authenticate requests.

We are working hard to make a self-serve dashboard for developers to onboard to Infera's API service. Onboard will be done through a wallet and no KYC is required for signup.

API requests are authenticated using the Bearer Auth scheme. To authenticate a request, provide the token in the Authorization header of the request:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

Access tokens are tied to the Infera user account for which they were created and use the funded wallet within that account for payment.

While we are in early development, we are using a centralized method of managing API keys and accessing the developer API. As we develop the technology and roll out our Oracle for LLM completions Infera will become more decentralized. API Routing is a centralized layer for convenience, the underlying inference is provided by a decentralized network of nodes.

Last updated