
Leverage the power of Infera's API to create powerful integrations and new apps.

The Infera API allows you to integrate LLMs into any product. You can build things like custom chat bots, new tools for people to use, and much more.

This section describes how to use the Infera API and its resources. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to the team on Telegram.

Infera implements a standard API that is familiar for developers who have used LLaMA or OpenAI's API before. We are a drop-in and compatible replacement to the existing APIs and have little technical overhead for developers to adopt our service.

API Endpoint

The Infera API can be accessed using the api.infera.net hostname:

curl https://api.infera.net/v1/

API Reference

Our API Reference provides details for integration before we get started with our live beta. We've embraced a standard similar to existing Web 2.0 model providers so Infera can be used as a drop in replacement for centralized alternatives allowing us to capture market share by making it convenient and easy for developers.

Last updated